Monthly In Person Huntingdon Tii Hub.

Maple Centre 6 Oak Tree Drive, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Get ready for an incredible opportunity to connect, share, and support one another at our monthly in-person Huntingdon Tii Hubs at The Maple Centre, 6 Oak Dr, Huntingdon PE29 7HN. Made...


Emotional Based School Avoidance – Focus Group

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, Cambs, United Kingdom

Sadly, Pinpoint hears from more and more parents and carers whose children and young people struggle to attend school and for some, simply are unable to attend. This can often...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Tii Hub – Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat MONDAY mornings. You are not alone.  Pinpoint’s Informal Online Peer support...


Preparing for our SEND Childs Future – Wills & Trusts

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

You told us in our Preparing for Adulthood sessions that you worry about the future for your child especially as they had additional needs, disabilities and health conditions. Money and...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat. You are not alone. Pinpoint provide help and...


ADHD – Noticing those early signs and “differences”

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Pinpoint are often asked to repeat sessions as they were so valuable and we are delighted to have the funding to able to play this recording with Rebecca Champ. Rebecca...


Benefits – Moving from DLA to PIP

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

So much changes as our child becomes a young person and that includes Benefits. Many parents and carers have told us how worried they are about this and how money...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Tii Hub – Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat MONDAY mornings. You are not alone. Pinpoint’s Informal Online Peer support...


Pinpoint In Person Tii Hub Huntingdon

Maple Centre 6 Oak Tree Drive, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Karina will be putting the kettle on for you and other parent carers to share experience and support between 9.30am and 11am at our Monthly Tii Hub at Maple Centre,...


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