Preparing for Adulthood (PfA)
When your child is young, you make most of the decisions for them. But as your child gets older, they begin to make decisions for themselves. This can be a difficult time, especially for parents of disabled children.
For more and more youngsters, planning for adulthood can start at primary school age. The journey to adulthood will also span child and adult services in education, health and care as well as a changing benefits system.
Parents’ Guide to PfA
We know that helping to prepare your child for adulthood (PfA) can seem like a huge task and its hard to know where to start. We have helped Cambridgeshire County Council co-produce an introductory parents’ guide to get you started.
Download Cambrideshire’s Preparing for Adulthood – A Parents Guide here.
There is also a handy guide checklist for parents here that will help you to know what support is available throughout the transition phase.
Preparing for adulthood in Cambridgeshire
- Read about Cambridgeshire’s Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) services on Cambridgeshire County Council’s Local Offer webpages. They include:
- the Moving On booklet
- a useful information section for parents and carers
- details on what should happen and when in the council’s Preparing for Adulthood protocol
Does your child/young person have an EHCP (education health and care plan) and you would like more information about preparing for adulthood? Cambridgeshire County Council are very excited to tell you about their new piloted Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) Duty Line (please have a look at the box below for more info), starting October- Mondays 9am-12pm!
Please do not forget, they also have some very useful information about PFA on the SEND Hub: Preparing for Adulthood pages too!! Here is the link: SEND Information Hub (Local Offer) | Preparing For Adult Life (
Find out more about ...

Information to help your young adults take their first steps into work, apprenticeships or supported placements.

Friends, Relationships & Community
Information on befriending services, safe relationships and community services.
Other useful Preparing for Adulthood resources:
- Preparing for Adulthood – website featuring resources and stories of young people moving into work
- Transition Information Network
- Education factsheets on Further/Higher Education from Disability Rights UK
- Government guidance on 19-25 year olds’ entitlement to EHC Plans