Social Care services Cambridgeshire

You can find out about social care services for children with additional needs and disabilities on the Local Offer on the Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) website.  This is the “hub” for information on how children and young people 0 – 25 are supported in the area.

The Disabled Children’s Social Care Service is responsible for assessing the social care needs of disabled children and young people.

Is your young person going to be moving to adult social care? If you are not already working with the social care team, you can be referred or get in touch through the contact centre on 0345 045 5203.

Parent Carer Assessments in Cambridgeshire

Are you eligible?  

A carer’s assessment is basically a conversation with you about  the physical, emotional and practical impact that caring has on your life.  As a carer,  your needs must be considered too when deciding about support for the child or young person you care for.  And will usually include any education, training, work or leisure activity that you would like to take part in.

If your son or daughter is 18 or older

A parent carer whose young person is 18 or older is entitled to a carer’s assessment in their own right – whether or not their son or daughter has a social care support package from the Local Authority.

You can request one from Caring Together, for example.  Read more on the Caring Together Cambridgeshire website

Caring Together
Telephone: 0345 241 0954


If your child/children or young person is under-18

For families with children under-18 who have a social worker (or are being assessed by social care),  the parent will have a carer’s assessment and their needs will be included in the assessment of the whole family.

Don’t have a social worker?

Families with children under-18 who don’t have a social worker can self-refer for a social care assessment of their child’s needs. You can request an assessment by calling 0345 045 5203.

Emergency Care

Many parents worry about what would happen if they had an emergency which would mean that they were unable to care for their disabled child or young person.

Emergency plans and contact details are now included as part of social care planning process.

Read more on emergency care for over-18s.

Local council support for family and unpaid carers

Cambridgeshire County Council offers free support to family and unpaid carers in the county, some through main partner Caring Together, through a county-wide Carers Support Contract.

Support on offer includes:

  • Specific and tailored information giving, signposting, and advice
  • Carers Magazine – sent out every three months
  • Carers Directory (via Carers Trust)
  • Advocacy for Carers (in relation to The Care Act (2014) should a Carer require assistance with accessing a Carers Assessment or support throughout that process
  • The ‘What If’ plan – registration of an emergency plan to support Carers should they be called away in an Emergency Situation.  (Free care is available for up to 24 hours in the event that named friends and family are not available to cover). More details on our emergency care page.
  • A statutory ‘Carers Assessment’ that considers Carer’s own needs, health and wellbeing and the impact on them of their caring role.  Some services and support are freely available and Carers will be referred to this universal provision if this is what is required. However, if a Carer has been identified as having more complex needs and meets the national Carers eligibility criteria, a personal budget to support them to continue in their caring role can be made available.
  • The personal budget, which has to be agreed and identify specific needs, can be used for arranged services or as a direct payment into their bank account. The support must directly benefit the Carer and cannot be used for direct services for someone needing care  such as  personal care or respite.

Contact Caring Together direct on:  0345 241 0954  or visit their website.