Parenting courses
Courses offered to parents
Parenting Programmes from Cambridgeshire County Council
Parents and carers sometimes want or need some extra help or information to better equip them to deal with parenting issues. Cambridgeshire County Council offer a number of free parenting programmes.
If you are accessing some services you may be offered a course. These are often referred to as ‘parenting courses’. The title can be unhelpful as it can make parent carers feel that they are being told they don’t know how to be a parent! That’s not the intention. These would be better called courses for parent carers, as that’s what they are.
These parenting programmes:
- Help families to talk to each other, to avoid conflicts and the problems with relationships
- Help understand children’s feelings and reactions
- Improve communication with your children
- Are friendly, well-organised and include a weekly discussion group
- Are a chance to meet new people
- Often have free créche facilities (check with group leader)
Registration for these local parenting programmes is via your local Child and Family Centre.
The courses may also be linked to:
- The Early Help Service
- Autism Assessments / the Autism Pathway (see our Handy Guide)
- The Cygnet course is accessible to parents of all primary school children with significant social communication difficulties, and ASD, following assessment. This is the main intervention and is provided in a multiagency collaboration between Community Paediatrics, CAMH and SEND services.
- ADHD Assessment / the ADHD Pathway (see our Handy Guide)
- Within CAMH, parents will be offered ADHD-information sessions (currently run online). If after having applied these ADHD specific strategies parents feel there is a need for ADHD medication, they can request this, and the child will then be offered an appointment to consider medication.
Cambridgeshire County Council will no longer be offering Triple P Online Parenting Programmes as part of their parenting offer.
Below are the links to register your interest in attending a parenting programme in your area. In addition, for those parents/carers/organisations that wish to access an online Triple P Parenting Programme, there is the opportunity to purchase these individually via this link.