Transport Event

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Would you like to have the chance to work with the new Transport team manager to think about how the service might be able to work more creatively to meet...


HEALTH Participation Event

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Janet Hill Epilepsy Specialist Nurse and Jackie Smallridge Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry Dental Needs These Participation Events are designed to give SEND parents and carers the chance to meet with...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat NOW ON MONDAY mornings. You are not alone....


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat NOW ON MONDAY mornings. You are not alone....


Education Participation Event

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Pinpoint's Education Information and Participation Session Nicola Foreman Lead OT Cambs & Gerald Maidens, paediatric occupational therapist Helping Children to be ready to learn Workshops across mainstream schools. Rebecca Salmon...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat NOW ON MONDAY mornings. You are not alone....


New for Huntingdon – Monthly SEND Tii Hubs

Maple Centre 6 Oak Tree Drive, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Thanks to the generous support from Huntingdon Freemans, we are now able to host monthly in-person Tii Hubs at The Maple Centre, Oak Dr, Huntingdon PE29 7HN.  These sessions are...


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