Monday Tii Hub

16th February 2024

Monday Tii Hub. Together we have information not isolation. Mondays 10am to 12pm. Pinpoint logo. Huntingdon Freemen logo. Pinpoint website

Monday Tii Hub

16th February 2024

Monday Tii Hub. Together we have information not isolation. Mondays 10am to 12pm. Pinpoint logo. Huntingdon Freemen logo. Pinpoint website

Twilight Recording – Autism & Communication

15th February 2024

Twilight Recording. Autism and Communication. Jo Keys. Thursday 21st March 7.45pm. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire. Pinpoint logo. Huntingdon Freemen logo.

Working Together – School Transport Team

15th February 2024

Have your say with Pinpoint. School Transport. Thursday 21st March 1pm to 2.30pm. Shelley Kingston Transport Manager. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire. Pinpoint logo. Discussion session

Accepting and Understanding ADHD in School

15th February 2024

Accepting and Understanding ADHD in school. Wednesday 20th March 2024 12pm to 2pm. With Karen and Sarah from Smart Bright Training. Smart Bright Training logo. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire logo.

EDUCATION Participation Session

15th February 2024

Neurodiversity & Sleep

15th February 2024

Neurodiversity and Sleep. Tuesday 12th March 12pm to 1.30pm. Nickie Sutton from Peak Sleep. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire. Peak Sleep logo. Peak Sleep logo

Awake all night? How to help your child

13th February 2024

Twilight session. Awake all night? How to help your child. Thursday 7th March 2024 7.45pm to 9pm. Pinpoint Logo. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire. Nickie Sutton. Peak Sleep. Peak Sleep logo

Monday Tii Hub

29th January 2024

Monday Tii Hub. Together we have information not isolation. Mondays 10am to 12pm. Pinpoint logo. Huntingdon Freemen logo. Pinpoint website

Twilight Session – How change and routine impacts behaviour – Yvonne Newbold

23rd January 2024

Twilight Sessioin. How change & routine impacts behaviour. Monday, 12th February 2024, 7.15pm. With Yvonne Newbold (Recording). Pinpoint Logo. Huntingdon Freemen's Trust Logo, Autism/ADHD Groups Logo, Newbold Hope logo.