Pinpoint HEALTH Participation Event

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

In Health a child is seen as an adult once they are 16years old but will our children be able to take care of their own health needs? What does this mean and how can we make sure we are still able to support them? We will be discussing this with the many professionals who...


TWILIGHT LIVE – Autism & School

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

With many years working for Autism Anglia, as well as personal experience and understanding, Jo Keys is back with us to look at how school can be a very difficult place for many autistic children. She will be looking at why that is but also offering some practical suggestions and tools you can suggest to...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Tii Hub – Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat MONDAY mornings. You are not alone.  Pinpoint’s Informal Online Peer support group. Pinpoint provide help and information to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities in Cambridgeshire....


TWILIGHT RECORDING – Autism & Communication

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

What can you do if your autistic child is anxious or upset but they cant tell you why? Jo Keys is back to explore signs and what may help   It can be really difficult to know what is making your child anxious or upset especially when communication is an issue. Jo Keys offers suggestions...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Tii Hub – Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat MONDAY mornings. You are not alone.  Pinpoint’s Informal Online Peer support group. Pinpoint provide help and information to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities in Cambridgeshire....


NESSie – Managing Big Emotions & Behaviour that Challenges in under 12’s

Many of us struggle to support our child when they are overwhelmed, especially when their behaviour becomes physical and aggressive. Many of us feel blame and shame, and there are not many places we can talk to others about this. The more we understand what is happening biologically, the more we can help our child....


Participation Event EDUCATION

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

It is so hard when our child is struggling at school or even to attend in many cases. What is being done to help these children? There are new things happening within Education to develop the support for our children and their schools but what are they? Rebecca Salmon and her team are back to...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Tii Hub – Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat MONDAY mornings. You are not alone.  Pinpoint’s Informal Online Peer support group Pinpoint provide help and information to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities in Cambridgeshire. No...


ADHD & Sleep – Nickie Sutton

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Firm Pinpoint favourite, Nickie Sutton from Peak Sleep is back with us, this time to delve deeper into how being ADHD, could have an impact on sleep. Nickie will go through what is happening biologically as always give us simple and effective tips and ideas to help our child and us sleep better. Peak Sleep...


In Person Tii Hub – Maple Centre Huntingdon

Maple Centre 6 Oak Tree Drive, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Join Karina and other parent carers who will be waiting with a warm welcome to any parent carer at our Monthly Tii Hub at Maple Centre, 6 Oak Drive, Huntingdon PE29 7HN. Pinpoint provide help and information to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities in Cambridgeshire....


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