Under 5’s – How to find the extra help your child needs?

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Early Years - Join us with Chris Barton (Cambridgeshire County Council) to hear about what extra support is available for children under 5 who are struggling to get their needs met. We also have a page dedicated to Early Years Page with helpful information. Pinpoint provide help and information to parents and carers of children...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Tii Hub – Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat MONDAY mornings. You are not alone.  Pinpoint’s Informal Online Peer support group Pinpoint provide help and information to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities in Cambridgeshire. No...


ADHD & Impact to our childs Mental Health

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Another opportunity to hear Rebecca Champ explain why Mental Health can sometimes be due to undiagnosed ADHD, why this happens, how having ADHD can impact emotions, why not all therapies are appropriate and what we can do to help our ADHD child and young person with their mental wellbeing. Pinpoint provide help and information to...


Awake all night? How to help your child

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

With more and more children and young people struggling to attend school, experiencing anxiety and sensory issues each day, no wonder they are often awake at night, and their body clock upside down! Popular with our parent carers, Pinpoint have asked Sleep Expert Nickie Sutton back to explain what is happening biologically and look at...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Tii Hub – Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat MONDAY mornings. You are not alone.  Pinpoint’s Informal Online Peer support group Pinpoint provide help and information to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities in Cambridgeshire. No...


Neurodiversity & Sleep

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, Cambs, United Kingdom

Why can sleep often be difficult for our Autistic, ADHD and Neuro diverse children and teenagers? What is happening biologically that can impact on sleep? What can we do to help our children? Sleep Expert Nickie Sutton is back with us to explore these questions and to give us sensible, practical tips we can use...


EDUCATION Participation Session

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, Cambs, United Kingdom

EDUCATION Rebecca Salmon, along with members of the team, will be giving overviews of what is happening to improve the SEND support for our children in schools including SEND Support Pilot, Emotional Based School Avoidance and the ongoing research around Transitions from Primary to Secondary school. Discussion - You asked for more information about what...


Monday Tii Hub

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Tii Hub – Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat MONDAY mornings. You are not alone.  Pinpoint’s Informal Online Peer support group Pinpoint provide help and information to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and disabilities in Cambridgeshire. No...


Accepting and Understanding ADHD in School

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Not all school staff have had the training needed to support your child with their ADHD. Pinpoint are working closely with the Education and LA in Cambridgeshire to improve this. There are now many more offers to schools to the develop skills and understanding with specialist support and training days. In the meantime, Smart Bright...


Working Together – School Transport Team

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

The Cambridgeshire School Transport Team have been meeting with Pinpoint parent carers to develop the best service for SEND children and young people. Join them, the Pinpoint team and other parent carers as we hear updates and continue work together to make positive changes and develop understanding of SEND needs in Transport Pinpoint provide help and...


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