Monthly In Person Huntingdon Tii Hub.

Maple Centre 6 Oak Tree Drive, Huntingdon

Get ready for an incredible opportunity to connect, share, and support one another at our monthly in-person Huntingdon Tii Hubs at The Maple Centre, 6 Oak Dr, Huntingdon PE29 7HN. Made...


Dyslexia explained and how to help our child.

Online Pinpoint, St Ives

Many children struggle with their reading but Dyslexic children can have a particularly difficult and frustrating time. But did you know that often, dyslexia is often simple to support? Join...


Barriers to School Attendance

Online Pinpoint, St Ives

PLEASE NOTE EARLIER START TIME 7PM Pinpoint increasingly hears about children and young people being unable to attend school. School based anxiety can often be due to sensory and neurodiverse...


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