Preparing for Adulthood Conference

Do you have a young person with additional needs aged 11-25 in Cambridgeshire? Come along to hear what is available for our young people when they finish school in health; education, training and employment; and communities and independence. There will be opportunities to hear general information as well as to talk one to one with...

Pinpoint Parent/Carer Tii Hub

Join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat.Together we have Information not Isolation - join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat on Friday mornings. You are not alone.You will be sent an email from Eventbrite containing the Zoom link to...


AUTISM, ADHD & SLEEP SERIES Going to bed and getting up in the morning!

There are so many reasons why our ASC, ADHD child has problems sleeping but waking up, getting up and getting out can be stressful too!!Nickie is back to explain why it is so hard at both ends of the day for our SEND children and young people. With both her 34yrs experience as a nurse,...


Mental Health and SEND – Have your say with Pinpoint

Meet Mental Health professionals, hear about what is changes are being made, ask questions and give feedback.The second in our Mental Health Focus Group events where you can meet Mental Health professionals, hear about changes happening, ask your questions and give your feedback to help them develop stronger services for SEND children, young people, and...


Transport Session with Sue Eagle – SEN Area Transport Officers

Online Pinpoint, St Ives, United Kingdom

Have your say about what is working/not working with transport. The Local Authority SEND transport team want to hear your voices and also provide you with an update with the transport strategy following on from last terms transport session. Book your ticket via this eventbrite link: You will be sent an email from Eventbrite...

Pinpoint Parent/Carer Tii Hub

Join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat.Together we have Information not Isolation - join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat on Friday mornings. You are not alone.You will be sent an email from Eventbrite containing the Zoom link to...


Meet the Assistant Director for SEND services

Pinpoint online events St Ives Town Hall, Market Hill, Saint Ives, England, United Kingdom

An opportunity to meet with the Assistant Director for SEND services in Cambridgeshire to feedback about services.We all like to hear what's going well, but equally important is to hear what would be better if changed. Here is your chance to meet the Assistant Director for SEND services in Cambridgeshire to provide feedback both positive...


Sensory Needs and Behaviour – Jo Keys – Autism Training & Consultancy

What is the reason behind our child or young person’s difficult behaviour? Could there be a sensory reason? Jo Keys is with us to explore.SEND children and young people are often over or under sensitive to the world around them. What is the reason behind our child or young person’s difficult behaviour? Could there be...


ADHD & How the Environment Impacts our Child – Rebecca Champ

School, home, family events, can all cause our ADHD child issues around anxiety and behaviour. Rebecca Champ explains why and how to help.It is already an exhausting world for our ADHD child but when things change around them it can add more issues for them to deal with and process. Join us as we listen...


Pinpoint Parent/Carer Tii Hub

Join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat.Together we have Information not Isolation - join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat on Friday mornings. You are not alone.You will be sent an email from Eventbrite containing the Zoom link to...


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