Pinpoint Parent Carer Tii Hub – online support group

Together we have Information not Isolation - join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat. You are not alone.Together we have Information not Isolation - join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat. You are not alone.Pinpoint provide help and information...


Parent Carer SEN Support Series – Does your child need an Assessment?

Join us and Smart Bright Training for the first in our SEN Series for Parents and Carers, so that YOU as a parent know what extra help your child can have, and, how to request an assessment when your child needs it. SEND support in an education setting. Are you wanting additional support for your...


Pinpoint Parent Carer Tii Hub – online support group

Together we have Information not Isolation - join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat. You are not alone.Together we have Information not Isolation - join us and other parent carers who "get it" for a cuppa and a chat. You are not alone.Pinpoint provide help and information...


Autism & Parenting – Should I tell My Child they are Autistic?

You may know your child is autistic but should you tell them and if so, when? This is an important decision so Jo Keys is with us to exploreYou may know your child is autistic and may even have a diagnosis, but should you tell them and if so, when? This is an important decision...


Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act for Parent Carers – James Codling

What does the Mental Capacity Act mean for our young person and how we can still be involved in making sure the best choices are made? As a result of feedback to the Local Authority's parent/carer Preparing for Adulthood survey, the Local Authority has arranged training for parents on the Mental Capacity Act. The speaker...


Pinpoint Parent Carer Tii Hub – online support group

Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat. You are not alone.Together we have Information not Isolation – join us and other parent carers who “get it” for a cuppa and a chat. You are not alone.Pinpoint provide help and information...


ADHD – Noticing those early signs and “differences” with Rebecca Champ

Rebecca will be explaining early signs and development of ADHD, the challenges for you and your children and how you can help your child We are delighted to have Rebecca back with us in person to give more information on how to support our ADHD Child. At this session Rebecca will be explaining • Early...


Parent Carer SEN Support Series – Understanding the EHCP Process

This session help us to understand more about what an EHCP is, when your child may need one, look at the paperwork and how to apply. It can be so overwhelming when your child needs more support. This session will look at what other support is available, help us understand more about what an EHCP...


Masking – When behaviour at home is different from school

Masking - when your child's behaviour at school and home is so different.Why is it that school thinks your child is “fine” but you see extreme behaviours and meltdowns at home? Could your child be “masking” their needs and anxiety in school to survive their school day?Join us for a live discussion with Jo Keys...


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