Update on SEN Support

8th October 2019

Getting professional advice earlier at SEN Support

We’re delighted that the SEND Service (0-25) (Educational Psychology and Specialist Teachers) has been listening to your concerns that teachers get the right early advice to best support our children and young people at the SEN Support stage. They have shared those concerns with schools and settings and are now trailing a new way of using their time.

SEND Service (0-25)  will be offering every LA and maintained school hours which can be used flexibly and creatively to specifically to look at how individuals and groups can be better supported earlier.  This includes free training to schools on a range of topics including Dyslexia and Autism. If you receive a letter home asking for you to give your permission to discuss your child with a professional, then this is why.

It won’t reduce the time available to do work associated with assessment requests, ECHPs or Annual Reviews.

This proactive support may mean we ensure children’s needs are met earlier and preventative interventions are in place, rather than reactive to things getting worse before additional advice is available.

We have a very useful guidance copy of what SEN Support should look like, we will be sending a copy via our newsletter next month. If you haven’t yet signed up to our newsletter or haven’t received an email from us recently, then now is the time. Link below!

We’d like your feedback on your experiences with these changes now in place, feel free to email info@pinpoint-cambs or comment on our FB post.
