In Person Tii Hub – Maple Centre Huntingdon

7th June 2024

In Person. Monthly SEND Tii Hubs. Maple Centre, Oak Drive, Huntingdon PE29 7HN. 9.30am to 11am. Huntingdon Freemen logo. Pinpoint logo. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire website

Monday Tii Hub

7th June 2024

Monday Tii Hub. Together we have information not isolation. Mondays 10am to 12pm. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire. Pinpoint logo. Huntingdon Freemen logo.


7th June 2024

Additional Support. SEND. Wednesday 10th July 12pm to 2pm. With parents for parents. Pinpoint logo. Information and Participation. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire

Preparing for Adulthood Mental Capacity Explained

7th June 2024

Preparing for Adulthood. Mental Capacity Explained. Tuesday, 2nd July 12-1.30pm

Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Parent Guide

4th June 2024

Emotional based School Avoidance (EBSA) Developing the parent guide with Katy Roe. Tuesday 2nd July 2024. 10am to 11.30am. Focus Group. Pinpoint Cambridgeshire.

Understanding Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP’s)

24th May 2024

Understanding Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP's). Wednesday 26th June 12pm to 2pm. Pinpoint logo. Smart Bright Training logo. Pinpoint Website. Karen and Sara from Smart Bright Training

Dental health – supporting our childs oral hygiene

24th May 2024

Dental health - supporting your childs oral hygiene. Tuesday 25th June 12pm 1.30pm. Paediatric Dental Consultant Jackie Smallridge. Pinpoint logo. Pinpoint website

TWILIGHT LIVE – Education, Health & Care Plans – Annual reviews

7th May 2024

Pinpoint Cambridgeshire. Smart Bright Training. Twilight Live. Education, Health & Care Plans. EHCP's & Annual Reviews. Thursday 13th June 7.45pm. Huntingdon Freemen Logo. Smart Bright Training logo. Pinpoint logo


19th April 2024

Participation Event. Working Together Mental Health. Ormiston Families. NESSie. Keep Your Head Website. 1st May 2024 12-2pm. Pinpoint Logo. With parents for parents

Health Participation Session

23rd January 2024