Every week during term time we are here (virtually) for you to have the chance to meet other parents who ‘get it’ and to get answers to questions so that you know the next steps for your journey. Every Monday morning during term time 10am-12pm.
We also run a monthly in person Tii Hub (currently in Huntingdon only).
We also have an online monthly profound and multiple learning disabilities group.
Details and booking are available on our events page.

Every month we run a participation session based on one of 4 themes where you will have the chance to meet the professionals who provide services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
The themes are Education, Health, Mental Health and What other help is available.
These are your chance to be heard by professionals to tell them what’s working, what’s not working and what would be better if… as well as asking your questions. Professionals will also bring ideas to the sessions to share with parents and carers to hear how you would like services to be shaped.

Spectrum is a parent-led children’s charity providing a range of inclusion-focused events, sessions, away days and support for families of children with Autism, additional needs, learning difficulties and disabilities.
Registration with them is free and they support families across East Anglia and the surrounding counties, from the very start of their journey, a clinical diagnosis is not required to join them.
As a registered member you can also access their Family Worker & Child Psychology support for SEND from the comfort of your own home. This covers many areas such as behavioural, child developmental, anxiety management, Education Heath Care Plans (EHCP), Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Positive Parenting.
Additionally, alongside working with schools, they are a leading UK distributor for the Max Card, provide secure Minecraft servers for children with additional needs and also a supportive online community for families registered with them.
Contact Information:
T: 01223 955404
E: hello@spectrum.org.uk
W: https://spectrum.org.uk
Facebook: https://facebook.com/spectrumcio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spectrumcio
Instagram: https://instagram.com/spectrumcio
This volunteer-run charity consists of other parents who know what it is like to have a child with additional needs or a life-limiting condition and who understand the challenges you face.
Provides a free, safe environment with activities for all children with additional needs, disabilities and life limiting conditions and their siblings. This gives parents a chance to talk and get support with their problems from others who have faced a similar situation.
Little Miracles Ramsey, Ramsey Locality office, The Boundary, Hollow Lane, Ramsey, cambs, PE261DG.
Please contact LMRamsey chairperson Amy Clarke
Telephone :07715306112 Email: amy.clarke@littlemiraclescharity.org.uk
Website: www.littlemiraclescharity.org.uk
A monthly series of online sessions for parents and carers to help their child and family know what happens after school. These cover areas including further education, employment, housing, benefits, adult support and health. All welcome.
More information and bookings can be found on our events page.

Many of the Children’s Centres hold play sessions designed for children with emerging or diagnosed additional needs and disabilities. Sensory-rich resources and activities are available in the groups to encourage development and the groups provide an opportunity for parents and carers to meet and chat in a supportive environment.
Contact your local Children’s Centre or see “
What’s On” for further details.
Huntingdon Children and Family Centre offer groups, events, activities, courses and support for families with children aged 0-19. As well as our network of Child and Family Centres, we provide activities, groups, events and courses in libraries, churches and other community locations across the county. come and have a chat and access additional support.
Huntingdon Child and Family Centre, Huntingdon Nursery School, Ambury Road, Huntingdon PE29 1AD
More information is available on their website
March Pegs supports Fenland families with additional needs and disabilities. Monthly sessions are held at The Burrow, at Burrowmoor Primary School, Burrowmoor Road, March on the last Saturday of the month (but as volunteers aren’t always available we email out closer to the dates to confirm the sessions), 10.30am to 12noon. This group is for all ages and siblings are welcome.
• Does your child struggle?
• Does your child get frustrated?
• Does your child fit in?
• Is it easier to stay at home?
• Do you feel isolated?
Then March Pegs offers a place to bring your child/children to have a chat or just a chance to get out of your house!
March Pegs is a voluntary organisation which understands children with unique personalities or a child who has been diagnosed with a different way of thinking. In fact four of our volunteer helpers are parents of children with special needs and the other two volunteers have years of experience working with these children.
Seasonal themed activities are planned and supported by our volunteers so the children can join in if they wish or they can just free play. Let your child/children be themselves in a safe and entertaining environment.
E: marchpegs@gmail.com
T: 07989 685796 (or text Sharon on this number)
Facebook: March Pegs.