Pinpoint’s latest reports all about Parenting Courses and Health Appointments Feb 2024

15th February 2024

Have you had the chance to see our latest reports on Parenting Courses and the Health Appointment Survey Result? If not, we highly recommend giving them a read.  We want you to know that your voices really do matter.

These two reports encapsulate the invaluable experiences and feedback shared by Cambridgeshire’s parent/carers in our sessions, email correspondences, and surveys on topics that we so frequently hear about. They offer a window into the daily journeys of parent/carers navigating the system, whether through parenting courses or healthcare appointments.

You can find them both on our Network meetings and reports page here.

Please know the next time you find yourself asking, “Will filling in this survey really make such a difference?”, it will and it does.  It gives us the best chance to represent all your voices to those who really can and want to make a difference to SEND families in Cambridgeshire.