Network meetings & reports

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Every term Pinpoint gathers parents’ views across Cambridgeshire on topics affecting their children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.

Keep an eye on our event page for details of the latest network sessions and sign up to attend any that you would like to participate in. We also promote these sessions in our newsletters and on our Facebook page.


We kindly ask you to help us to make these opportunities available to as many Cambridgeshire parent carers are possible, and to only book onto a network session if you have not attended a session before or have not attended in the last six months. We always welcome your feedback outside these sessions – please email us.

Here’s what we have been working on. Click the links to read more about the issues raised and the action points.

Autumn Term 2024

Social Care


Mental Health


Spring Term 2024

What other help is available



Mental Health

School Transport

Health Appointments Survey Feb 2024

Parenting Courses Report

NNPCF Annual Report 23-24

Autumn Term 2023

Meet the Head of SEND services 0-25


Mental Health


What other help is available

Summer term participation sessions



Mental health

Social care

Meet the Head of SEND Services 0-25

Summer term 2023

Alternative Provision session June 2023

Cambridgeshire Local Authority held a session with parent carers about the national and local picture for alternative provision and used the opportunity to make a comittment to working with parent carers and Pinpoint to co-produce an alternative provision strategy for Cambridgeshire. You can view a summary of the session here.

Need and Provision banding for Children with SEND March 2023

Cambridgeshire Local Authority asked to hear parent carer views about a new approach to decision making for children/young people with SEND which aims to bring fairness, equality, and transparency to the way SEND funding is allocated to children in mainstream schools.The proposed new model is currently being developed and we would like to hear the views of parents/carers. You can see the sumaries from the sessions here.

Spring Term Network Meetings 2023

Mental Health

Social Care


Autumn Term Network Meetings 2022

We constantly evolve our offer and have now moved to termly meetings by service as a way of hearing more voices and enabling more participation.


Mental Health

Social Care


School attendance session

November 2022 – Meet the Assistant Director for SEND and Pinpoint’s Deputy CEO

Toni Bailey joined us for more parent carer sessions held online. You can read the report here.

June 2022 – Meet the Assistant Director for SEND and Pinpoint’s CEO

Toni Bailey joined us for more parent carer sessions held online. You can read the report here.

NNPCF ANNUAL Report 2021-22

Assistant Director for SEND and Pinpoint’s CEO

Toni Bailey joined us for three more parent carer sessions held online. You can read the report here.

November 2021 – Meet the Assistant Director for SEND and Pinpoint’s CEO

Toni Bailey joined us for three parent carer sessions held online.  You can read the report here.

May 2021 – Meet the Assistant Director for SEND and Pinpoint’s CEO

Another opportunity to get feedback on SEND services in Cambridgeshire across in person.  You can read the report here.

NNPCF Annual Report 2020-21

January 2021 – Meet the Assistant Director for SEND and Pinpoint’s CEO

This time we offered these as virtual sessions where parent carers could meet the Assistant Director for SEND, Toni Bailey, and Pinpoint’s CEO Sarah Conboy, to raise any issues direct.  You can read the report here.

December 2020 – All-Age Autism Strategy Focus Groups

We facilitated focus groups with the Local Authority to help them as they prepare a co-produced new All-Age Autism Strategy.  You can read the report here.

NNPCF Annual Report 2019-20

February 2020 – Exclusions Focus Group

Pinpoint held a meeting with the Local Authority and SEND Peer Network Inspection team to consider how exclusions were taking place in Cambridgeshire. This work informed the development of revised guidance for schools to support compliance.

November 2019 – February 2020 Meet the Assistant Director for SEND and Pinpoint’s CEO

These were locally run sessions where parent carers could meet the newly appoint Assistant Director, Toni Bailey, and Pinpoint’s CEO Sarah Conboy, to raise any issues direct.

November 2018 – July 2019 – SEND Strategy Workshops

A series of regional workshops helped to co-produce the draft SEND Strategy which went out to consultation in Late July 2019.  The final strategy was published in November 2019.

July 2018 – October 2018  Cambridgeshire Expects

There were workshops to develop a document that would capture how the earlier co-produced Vision could be delivered. This would later emerge as the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough SEND Pledge.

NNPCF Annual Report 2018-19

November 2017 – March 2018 – Cambridgeshire SEND Vision

A series of workshops developed a co-produced Vision for SEND in Cambridgeshire.  This later became the foundation of the SEND Strategy ad SEND Pledge.

November 2017 – SEMH Social and Emotional Mental Health

Pinpoint held three meetings with parents, local authority workers, health workers and partner organisations around social and emotional mental health. We looked at what was available locally and what the perceived gaps in service were. Network Meeting Report Nov 17 SEMH. You can also see the Cambridge City Network Meeting Report, Hunts Network Meeting Report and Fenland Network Meeting Report.

June-July 2017 – SEND transport

Read the report here Network Meeting Report June-July 2017 SEND Transport 

March 2017 – Challenging Behaviour

Read the report from the March meetings on Challenging behaviour and the new Cambridgeshire Steps training.

October 2016 – Children’s Change Programme   

Read a summary about the Children’s Change Programme

Read our  Network Meeting Update on what Pinpoint has been working on over the last year.

June 2016 – Improving Community Health Services

Read the report from these meetings  about how to improve community health services.

Each meeting had a mini training session –  read the training notes

March 2016- Improving SEND Reforms

Our  five network meetings discussed what could be done locally to improve the SEND Reforms, especially SEN Support in schools, the EHCP process and how the Local Offer is working here in Cambridgeshire. Read more about the meetings.

October 2015- Communication with Health, Social Care and Education Services

Pinpoint asked parents on how communications with key services could be improved.

June 2015 – Mental Health and Well-being

This topic was discussed at five meetings across the county.

April 2015 – Autism Workshop

The aim of the workshop was capture the views of parents of children and young people with Autism to shape what services Cambridgeshire County Council will plan for, how and where they should be delivered, and what outcomes are wanted. Read the notes from the workshop.

March 2015 -SEND Workshop

This workshop aimed to capture the views of parents and help shape what services Cambridgeshire County Council will plan for, how and where they should be delivered, and what outcomes are wanted.  The County Council wanted to understand what is most important to parents at home, in their community, and from health and education settings. Read the notes from the workshop.

March 2015 – SEND Reforms and the Local Offer

Parents had an update on SEND Reforms, gave feedback on how it was working for their families and watched a live demo of the Local Offer. Read the feedback report.

October 2014 – Activities for children and families

Parents talked about their experiences of accessing activities with their children and discussed what had worked well and what had not worked so well, and looked at activities they would like to access in the future. Parents and service providers worked together to identify gaps in provision of activities and what action needed to be taken to try to fill these gaps in the future. Read the feedback report.

June 2014 – Bullying

Parents were asked about their experiences of their child being bullied, the affect this had on the child and the family and the support they were given.  Parents then worked with service providers to look at what support was needed for children, families and settings in the future to prevent bullying from occurring and to deal with it when it does occur. Read the report from these parent meetings.

June 2013 – Cambridgeshire’s SEND Strategy and the Single Plan

At this meeting parents really welcomed the opportunity to be asked by Service Providers at Cambridgeshire County Council, for their views on what would make the Single Plan work for them. Read more about the session and the feedback.

March 2013 – Emotional Support for Parents

Parents fed back on their emotional support needs.  Messages and recommendations from the meetings have been fed back to the Disabled Children’s Action Group, the Early Support Commissioning Group and the SEND Project Board. Read more about the session.