Your Child’s Needs
I’m worried about my child…
We are all different.
We are all unique.
We are all individual.
We all have things we are good at and things we are less good at.
For most of us, the things we are less good at or find more difficult do not get in the way of our daily lives and do not stop us reaching our potential. With help and support, tips and techniques most of us get round the things we find more challenging.
The same is true for our children.
Most children will find something difficult at some stage of their developmental journey. Some will take longer to master skills and others will catch up with their peers in time.
For some of our children the needs are passing and, if caught early and supported well, they do not get in the way in the long term.
For some of our children the needs are part of who the child is and will be life-long. With support, some will be overcome and some will be worked around. And for some there will need to be an acceptance that it will always be there.
Some needs are apparent before and when children are born. It is, however, more common for needs to gradually emerge over time as the child grows up.
Realising that your child may have additional needs and/or disabilities can be difficult for parent carers. It is very common for parent carers to seek a ‘diagnosis’ for their child. However, not all needs fit in a box and not all children meet the criteria for certain types of diagnosis. With or without a diagnosis, it is important that help and support for your child are available as early as possible.
On these pages we are hoping to help you on that journey towards better understanding your child’s needs and where you may go for further reading, advice and support if needed.
If you are worried and have a concern about your child, then please speak to someone early: your GP, your health visitor, your school, your social worker. The sooner you share your worries, the sooner someone can support you and them.
If you are worried about your child’s speech and language development, check out this FREE resource which has lots of helpful tips.
Handy Guides
These provide introductory information about common needs and conditions. It cannot be a comprehensive list and you may find that nothing here describes your child. Don’t worry and don’t spend all night searching the internet. Go and talk to those who can help you towards finding the right information specifically for your child, as they have lots of experience and are best placed to help you: your GP, your health visitor, your school, your social worker.
Autism and ADHD – Referral, Assessment & Support
Many parents come to us with questions around Autism and ADHD. Here you will find answers to many of the common questions around how to get your child referred for assessment and the support that is available to you and your child with or without a diagnosis.
Dyslexia Guidance & Checklists
Here you will find details of the co-produced dyslexia guidance, as well as Dyslexia Checklists from the British Dyslexia Association.
Explaining your child’s needs to others
Often we need a way to succinctly tell another person what they need to know about our child’s needs. Perhaps you are looking for a way to explain your child’s needs to family members or friends. Here you’ll find information on one page profiles, passports and also a list of books and videos to help explain SEND.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD)
FASD is a severe and profound, lifelong neuro-developmental disorder caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. There is a local group offering support to families whose children are affected.