Cambridgeshire area SEND Inspection 2017
The Cambridge area SEND Inspection was carried out in March 2017 by Ofsted / Care Quality Commission to look at how SEND Reforms from the Children and Families Act 2014 have been carried out across education, health and social care.
Many parents fed back views via our survey, meetings, emails and the webinar.
- Read the subsequent inspection report – published June 2017
Pinpoint discussed the results with parents and representatives from health and the local authority through our Partners in Commissioning meetings and asked how highlighted areas for improvement were being addressed.
Inspection background
Inspectors from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission visited Cambridgeshire in March to see how well the area is providing for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The visit aimed to evaluate how different partners have been working together to meet the care needs of our children and young people since the big legal reforms of 2014.
Schools, Early Years and FE settings, as well as the local authority and clinical commissioning group, were included in the inspection.
The inspection applies to services for pupils with SEN Support in schools as well as those with EHCPs or statements. And evaluates how well the local authority, health commissioners and providers are at identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people with SEND and improving their outcomes following the Children and Families Act 2014.
Parent carer views on how responsibilities are being met are a vital part of the inspection, which started on Monday March 20th 2017.
How parents had a say
The Pinpoint Online Survey received 547 responses, read the Pinpoint Response document of 20th March 2017 here.
Inspection also included:
- a parent webinar on Tuesday, March 21st led by the lead inspector, who asked parents and carers about their views and experiences on how effectively Cambridgeshire is fulfilling its SEND responsibilities
- a parent meeting to discuss parent engagement
- discussions with parents via schools and other settings – details below
OfSted and the Care Quality Commission continue to make visits to inspect the Local Authority
You can find details of visits on the Ofsted website. and on the CQC website