Would you like to help review the progress so far and help to shape the prioirities for the coming year?
Please read the note below from Toni Bailey and sign up for the session on 12th September 1-4pm.
Dear parent/carers/young people,
Following on from our Joint SEND Strategy Review Conference which is being held on the 12th July, I would like to offer the opportunity to both share with you the initial premise or direction of where we feel Phase 2 of our SEND Action Plan should be moving towards, and provide the chance for a wider view to be represented so we can ensure our actions for the next 12 months are focussed on areas we all agree need to be firm priorities.
To facilitate this opportunity, we have arranged two online sessions (TEAMs) to make use of flexible arrangements and gather views and thoughts. The session will outline the impact of Phase 1 over recent times and the focus areas suggested for Phase 2 during the conference. There will then be opportunities to hear views and suggestions from parents, carers and young people about the suggested areas of focus. The intended outcome is to enable the action plan to be representative across all partners.
These sessions will take place on Thursday 14th July 5.30 – 6.30pm and Tuesday 19th July 1 – 2pm. These are joint Cambridgeshire and Peterborough sessions and there will be the opportunity to split in to breakout rooms to discuss each action plan separately. We are therefore asking you to let us know when you book whether you live in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough to ensure that we allocate you to the correct breakout room for your area.
To register for one of these events, please book via the links below. You will receive an email confirming your booking and the TEAMs link to join the session.
12 September 13:00-16:00
I look forward to seeing you there.
Toni Bailey
Assistant Director: SEND & Inclusion
Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council